Nikki Voight
Executive Director
Nikki has been working in transportation since April 2011. She started out as Program Coordinator for the Vehicle Repair and Purchase Loan Program and moved into the Mobility Manager Assistant Position, where she obtained her Mobility Manager certification in 2019. She transitioned to the Executive Director position in 2020. Nikki entered the transportation world with blinders on and soon became passionate about the work Door-Tran does. She loves to inform people about their transportation options and engage the public on the importance of transportation equity for everyone.

Kim Gilson
Volunteer Coordinator
Kim has been with Door-Tran since November 2014. As the Volunteer Coordinator, she is responsible for bringing riders and drivers together, ensuring that folks get where they need to go. You will see her at many of the informational fairs that are held throughout the year and providing presentations about transportation options. As a member of Bay Area Managers of Volunteer Services (BAMVS) and Wisconsin Volunteer Coordinators Association (WVCA), she is able to continue her education and offer support to other volunteer coordinators.

Evonne LaCrosse
Program Coordinator
Evonne has been with Door-Tran since May 2021 as an Office Assistant. She quickly added Program Coordinator to her position. She has always liked to make a difference in our community, and she gets to do that every day she works. She is the Program Coordinator for the Vehicle Purchase and Repair Loans, Vehicle Repair Grants, Half-Price Taxi Vouchers and Half-Price Gas Vouchers. She often work with other Door County agencies and organizations when helping our clients, whether it be for our programs or to assist with their unmet needs.

Bonita Madden
Administrative Assistant
Bonita recently joined the Door-Tran team in July 2024 as an Administrative Assistant. In 2017, she graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, earning a Bachelor of Arts in History with a Minor in Humanistic Studies. Bonita has developed her skills and deepened her education while actively engaging with the community. We believe this will make her a valuable asset to the Door-Tran organization.