Become a Driver, Be a Hero!!
To get started, please complete the Volunteer Driver Application and return it to Door-Tran. Please feel free to contact Kim Gilson, Volunteer Coordinator, by email [email protected] or phone at (920) 743-9999 with any questions you may have. Thank you in advance for your interest in being a volunteer driver and joining Door-Tran's team.
For more information please contact Door-Tran staff at
(920) 743-9999 or [email protected].
Volunteer Drivers Needed
Interested in becoming a Volunteer Driver? You can volunteer for one or both of Door-Trans programs by filling out one application.
The County-Wide Volunteer Transportation Program is operated by volunteers who provide rides with their personal vehicle and are reimbursed $0.50 per mile. Door-Tran also provides a monthly cell phone and per trip meal reimbursements, when applicable. Services are provided to Door County residents who have travel needs within Door, Brown and Kewaunee Counties. Volunteer's set-up their personal schedule and driving area preferences by stating specific days, times and distances you want to drive. All rides are scheduled by Door-Tran staff.
The Veteran Volunteer Transportation Program provides rides for Door County veterans who need to travel to Veterans Affair (VA) clinics in Green Bay, Appleton, Cleveland, Milwaukee and other specialty clinics for medical appointments. Volunteers provide transport for this program in a County of Door wheelchair accessible van. The use of this vehicle is in partnership with the Door County Veterans Services Office and the Door County Transportation Department. Volunteers are eligible for meal reimbursements when providing transport with this program as well.
"I just couldn't do it without Door-Tran! The appointments are hard enough without having to worry about getting there."
"I can't really express how much your service has relieved me of a lot of worries."
" I depend on you completely for all my transportation needs. I couldn't go anywhere without you."